A phased approach is proposed for USA football teams to get back on the playing field. There are reopening guidelines that have been issued from CDC based on which the games would be planned. For instance it is certain moves that involve physical contact such as shotgun snaps, punting, kicking, and passing would not be allowed. There would also be no snaps or handoffs in the center due to the new physical distancing norms.

Face covers would remain optional for those on the field but advised for coaches and management staff. Since the times are uncertain parents whose children would be coming back for such activities need to have a detailed plan in place. The national federation of sports medicine for the state high schools stated that they would be issuing a document that would provide guidance on how young athletes can get back to the game. The first phase would include drills and workouts where practices would include 10 or less people in groups where everyone would maintain a distance of about 6 feet.